Jun 17, 2011

Animal Bucket List

I recently watched the "Bucket List" on television (you know with Morgan Freeman) and it made me start to wonder; what would my bucket list be? So I started a list in my head. Many of the items are very personal, so I am not going to share that list, but I do want to share with you my animal bucket list.

My animal bucket list is the top 10 animal related things I want to do before I die. So here it goes:

#10 - Hold an alligator (a baby alligator)

#9 - Travel to Africa and go on a safari

#8 - Put my hand in a Piranha-filled river (only for two seconds)

#7 - See an endangered species in the wild in their natural habitat
(anyone will do, but the more exotic the better)

#6 - Go snorkeling

#5 - Enter one of my dogs into a dog show

#4 - Get over my fear of spiders
(not sure how to do this - I would rather not have to be around spiders)

#3 - Go fishing with Jeremy Wade from the show River Monsters on Animal Planet

#2 - Watch litter of puppies for at least a week
(we did this a few years ago and it was the best experience - I would love to do it again before I die)

#1 - Swim with a Great White Shark (in a shark cage - what a thrill!)

So what do you think? Are any of my bucket list items on your list too? I want to hear about your animal bucket list now.

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  1. hmmm I'm definitely on board for numbers 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 & 9. Some of my others would be:
    - Run with the bulls in Spain
    - Have baby chickens in the back yard
    - Swim with a dolphin
    - Fly with a dragon!

  2. Baby chickens in the backyard would be pretty fun. Thanks for posting.
