Jul 26, 2010

Gestation Periods for Animals

The other day I was approached by a friend who was curious about the length of a dog's pregnancy. To be honest I had no idea, so rather than leaving her hanging, I did some research and I thought I would share the answer with everyone.

So here it goes, a list of various gestation periods for animals that I found:

***Keep in mind, these are all approximate.

Dog - 60 days
Cat - 60 days
Guinea pig - 65 days
Birds - 20 days (this includes egg and chick time)
Elephant - 640 days (Almost two years!!!)
Cow - 285 days
Deer - 200 days
Ferret - 42 days
Rabbit - 30 days

Jul 2, 2010

Top 10 Craziest Dog Costumes

I know there are a bunch of you out there that love to dress your dogs up in cute little outfits. I can't blame you, I have been know to put Sparky in a pumpkin costume on Halloween.

So for all of you out there, here is my top 10 list of craziest dog costumes.

Would you dress your dog in these?

WARNING - They are hilarious!!!

10: The Mexican Dog

9: The Monkey Dog

8: The Giraffe Dog

7: The Fireman Dog

6: The Taco Dog

5: The Marilyn Monroe Dog

4: The Dorothy Dog

3:The Superman Dog

2: The Cowboy Dog

1: The Cheerlea
der Dog

**Many photos were taken from the following Huffington Post article.