Jun 18, 2010

The Man Who Injects Venom

The other evening I watched a show on Animal Planet titled, The Man Who Injects Venom.

The show featured an American living in the U.K. that injects snake venom (from rattle snakes) to build-up antibodies. I had no idea people even did this.

Here is a link to the story, enjoy!


Jun 17, 2010

Dogs and Cats 101

We have two new sections on our Facebook page, titled Dogs 101 and Cats 101. Much like the show that airs on Animal Planet, we will be highlighting a dog and a cat breed a week, reporting their history, activity level, vocality, need for grooming, compatibility with children and etc.

To kick off Dogs 101, we highlighted one of my favorite breeds of dogs, the Border Collie.

To kick off Cats 101, we highlighted one of the most beautiful cats (in our opinion), the Himalayan.

We hope you will enjoy this new informational feature.

Jun 10, 2010

Cat Entertainment

So the other day, I posed a question on our Facebook Page, asking our members to come up with different ways they entertain their cat/cats.

Although we didn't get a ton of responses, we did find one very interesting. The response was from Bequi. She said that as entertainment for her cat, she used to "hang my old nylons on the door knob for them to scratch at." She also suggested the idea of putting some cat nip in the nylons. Great ideas Bequi!

To continue further with this subject, I did a little research of my own. Here are other activities that I found (my personal favorite is the TV idea...how fun!):

1: Get your Cat a Leash!
2: Talk to your Cat
3: Get your Cat a Huge Variety of Toys and Play with your Cat
4: Gone a Lot? Introduce your Cat to TV

I found these ideas in a fun article titled "How to Entertain Your Indoor Cat." The article goes more indepth into each category. Enjoy!