May 26, 2010

Veterinary Costs

Owners of animals need to understand that when they bring a pet into their home they are now the sole provider for the animal and with that title comes a lot of responsibility. Animals are required by law to have annual vaccinations, but responsibilities don't end there, sometimes animals need emergency care, which means unplanned veterinary costs.

But, how much are you willing to pay in veterinary costs?

I think the answer to that question is up to each individual animal owner.

But with a recent emergency visit to the vet, I was outraged at the fee I was charged! It made me wonder why veterinary visits are more than triple the price of a doctor's visit for a human. Regardless, after the visit, I looked around on the internet and found an article from The Humane Society that offers solutions to pet owners that need help paying for extra veterinary costs.

I hope it provides a solution to those of you looking for options in paying your veterinary costs.

May 24, 2010

Facebook Page

That is right, Extraordinary Pets now has a Facebook page.

Click here to "Like" our page.

May 13, 2010


Shakespeare, our six-month old guinea pig died last night. We aren't really sure what the cause was, but we are keeping a close eye on our other two guinea pigs.

We love you and will miss you!

RIP my friend.