Aug 31, 2010

Bark Buster

Little did I know, but I think my almost three-year-old dog Lily has been barking at night. There are many reasons why I haven't been able to hear her, but rather than go into those, I will just say that I am pretty sure she barks almost every night and I am OUTRAGED!

Now I have read a lot about dog training and I know that the problem usually gets worse if you respond to the dog when they bark, so I have never done this, but unfortunately the problem still continues.

So a colleague of mine introduced me to the Bark Buster. I just ordered it today, so I am not sure if it will work, but for $9.99 all my problems might be solved. Let's all cross our fingers.

The Bark Buster is a dog training aid for your home that emits a dog-only pitched sound (that dogs apparently hate) when it is triggered by a dogs bark. The idea is that when a dog barks the Bark Buster will go off, distracting the dog from the act of barking. After days of use, the dog will start associating their bark with the annoying sound and they will HOPEFULLY stop barking.

I am not sure when I will use this mechanism, maybe only at night. We'll see.

I will let all of you know how well it works and if you should also get a Bark Buster. In the mean time, here is some more information about it: