Apr 22, 2010

Sparky's Limp

I wonder if it is just the season for bad things to happen to animals. I say this because during the past month I have had several of my friends have their animals get sick; some of them have even died.

So as you can imagine this week when I saw my dog Sparky limping, I thought the worst; he needs surgery. I am lucky however, after taking him into the veterinarian I was told that he just dislocated his knee and that with a little anti-inflammatory medication and lots of TLC he would be fine.

What a relief!

During times like these I truly realize how much I love my animals and how sick I feel when they are sick or wounded.

Have you had any animal emergency scares?

Apr 12, 2010

Raw Hide Bones

We love giving our dogs raw hide bones. Not only do they help keep their teeth clean, but it also gives the dogs something to do. They are perfect for any movie night.

Apr 9, 2010

Brinkley's New Haircut

I have three dogs with long hair, and as you can imagine they constantly need their hair trimmed to avoid matting.

Many of you will remember that last year I started doing my own dog grooming at home to keep the cost down, but when we got Brinkley in late October of last year we received a free grooming coupon.

Rather than hassling through another hour and a half grooming session, I decided to redeem the coupon. I was expecting the groomer to be like all the groomers I had ever been to, impersonal and pricey. I was so pleased when I discovered that they weren't anything like that.

If you live in Bountiful, or happen to just be in the area, give All Pet Grooming a try. I couldn't find a website, but here is their phone number and address, you won't be dissapointed:

All Pet Grooming
3221 U.S. 89, Bountiful 
(801) 296-2018

However, I also suggest taking the do-it-yourself approach, but make sure you are buying a quality trimmer. Keep in mind, the more money you spend, the better the trimmer will work and the longer it will last.

For more details on grooming at home, check out this blog post.

Apr 2, 2010

Animal Nail Trimming

The do-it herselfer has failed.

I know how to do it, in fact I trim almost all of my pets nails, but sadly I haven't always been so consistent.

Sparky's nails are way too long right now and the reason I haven't cut them is beacuse they are dark and he tries to bite me everytime I try.

Solution, I am taking him to the groomer to get them clipped this weekend.

Wish me luck!