Apr 22, 2010

Sparky's Limp

I wonder if it is just the season for bad things to happen to animals. I say this because during the past month I have had several of my friends have their animals get sick; some of them have even died.

So as you can imagine this week when I saw my dog Sparky limping, I thought the worst; he needs surgery. I am lucky however, after taking him into the veterinarian I was told that he just dislocated his knee and that with a little anti-inflammatory medication and lots of TLC he would be fine.

What a relief!

During times like these I truly realize how much I love my animals and how sick I feel when they are sick or wounded.

Have you had any animal emergency scares?


  1. One time Maggie got into the garbage and had an allergic reaction to whatever she ate. (I think it was shrimp.) Her face got really swollen and she kept rubbing it on the floor and scratching her lips with her paws. When I got a good look at her face, I saw that hr pupils were 2 different sizes. We took her to the vet and after $200 they gave her a benadryl and sent us home. I'm still pissed.

  2. How frustrating. I think most vets are over charging. It doesn't even cost that much for us to go to the doctor.
