Aug 17, 2009

Trimming Your Pets Nails

Trimming your pets nails can be a very intimidating experience. On one hand you can hurt your pet if you cut too deep, but on the other, you can cause your pet extreme discomfort if you do not have their nails trimmed regularly.

So if you are up to the challenge, here are some helpful tips to remember when trimming your pets nails (also, you can always ask your vet to show you how).

Step 1:
The first step is to decide which type of nail clipper you are most comfortable with. There are many kinds, but make sure you take the time to investigate your local pet shop to see the choices available. Once you find the ones you like, try them out and see how they feel in your hand and how comfortable they are for you to use.

Step 2:
Once you have a nail clipper, you're ready to cut your cat or dog's nails. Start by finding a quiet place you can sit with your cat or dog. For smaller animals, you may find it easiest to sit with your dog or cat on your lap. With larger animals, you may want to sit on the floor with your pet, or place your pet on a table or couch or bed.

Step 3:
Stabilizing the toe prior to cutting the nail.
Hold your pet's foot in one hand and push one toe forward so that you can see the nail to be cut.

Step 4:
Now you are ready to cut the nail. Hold the nail clipper in your free hand and cut the nail. If your cat or dog has white colored nails, you will be able to tell where to cut by looking for the pink area on the nail. Cut in front of the pink area. If you cut into the pink area, your pet's nail will likely bleed. If you have a pet with dark colored nails, you'll have a more difficult time seeing where to cut. Try removing a small bit of nail at a time.

Good Luck!

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