Oct 29, 2010

Halloween Dog

Sparky, my six year old Maltese mix has always loved Halloween, or is it me that loves Halloween? Well either way, he has always dressed up for the holiday and has always looked so adorable.

Here he is as a cowboy:Now I want to know, what are your dressing your animals up as this Halloween? If you have pictures, I would love for you to post them to our Facebook page.

Oct 26, 2010

Pet Turtles - Are You In The Market?

Growing up I had a friend that had a pet turtle. I remember her telling me not to touch him because he would bite me if I did. Even after hearing that, pet turtles have always seemed like docile creatures to me. However, I am sure if I had stuck my hand in to pet him he would have gotten a snack.

I see pet turtles every so often when I am at the Petco and it makes me wonder which ones make the best pets. I mean if I were to ever get one, I would one one that didn't bite.

From what I understand, there are many turtles species that you can keep as a pet, but there are four that are the most popular and easy to care for (click on each species for more information from www.petturtles.com:

Box Turtles - not for the beginner

Sliders - can grow up to 11 inches in length

Mud Turtles - can live to be more than 50 years old

Painted Turtles - mostly aquatic

After reading through all the descriptions, I think if I were to get a pet turtle, I would get a painted turtle, mostly because of their aquatic nature.

Which turtle would you have as a pet if you could choose between these four?

**If you like what you read, please make sure to "Facebook like" this post. As always feel free to share this information with your friends through an medium you choose.

Oct 21, 2010

Dog Treat Recipes - How to Make Them

With the holidays almost upon us, it really makes me want to start baking. And yes, that even means baking for the little ones...my dogs.

Have you ever wondered how to bake dog treats? I know I have. Well thanks to a Facebook friend We Love Dogs and a post that they made today, I can now share with you more than 100 dog treat recipes.

Click here to figure out how to make a ton of different kinds of dog treats.

My dogs love Beggin' Strips, so I am kinda excited to make the Bacon Bites recipe.

What recipe are you excited to try?

If you enjoy what you read here, make sure to "Facebook like" this post. I would really appreciate it.

Oct 15, 2010

Worried about squirrels getting into your bird feeder?

Worried about squirrels getting into your bird feeder?

What the hell is that line made of?

Only in Canada would you see a sign like this!

Read the whole sign.

Oct 11, 2010

Indoor or Outdoor Cat?

Okay, so here is a blog post I was working on a few weeks ago that I never finished. FYI, we decided to let our cats go outside. They absolutely love it and we can tell that they are very happy (not that they weren't before).

If you are debating on letting your cat, take a look at some of the helpful links I provided below.


We recently purchased a doggy door, you know the ones that you can insert into your sliding glass door, so that you don't have to cut a hole into one of your doors.

Well we just got one and we are still debating on whether or not we want our cats to go outside. Here are a few articles I found on the subject.



Oct 8, 2010

We Got Paris Back

So the live trap worked. We caught him on Tuesday night. He was a little distant at first, but now he has warmed back up. Thanks to all of you for your support.

Miami Dogs

Here is a mobile upload from a Facebook friend of mine, Emily Alvers's. This is a picture she took of dogs in Miami. What spoiled pooches.

Oct 5, 2010

Paris Our Cat

We bought a new house! We actually moved in over the weekend, but sadly one of our cats, Paris got outside and we can't catch him. He has been hanging around our old house for three days now. We have been back five times trying to capture him, but we haven't been able to.

So, we rented a live trap to catch him so that we can bring him home. We are going to put it out tonight, and with any luck we will get our kitty back. Wish us luck; we will need it.

I am curious, has this ever happened to any of you? If so, how did you get your cat back?